Dora Moore
846 Corona Street, Denver, CO 80218
Recommendation: Grade level change to ECE-5, removal of 6-8 (does not require Board vote)
Essential Data
Utilization | Enrollment Total | Enrollment 6 | SPF | Programs | Choice In/Out |
59% | K-8: 314 K-5: 252 6-8: 62 | 24 | Performance | None | Choice only |
Why this school?
Middle school enrollment in sub-region has declined and will continue to decline
Dora Moore is a small school, and especially at the MS level (average enrolled per grade K-5: 42, 6-8: 20)
Morey is less than a mile away, and will add building capacity with closure of DSISD
What happens to students?
All 40 transitioning students are guaranteed a seat at their boundary or zone school; Dora Moore located within Morey boundary
All students have closing school choice priority at all DPS schools.
Space available at Morey if so chosen
Current Map