Denver Center for International Studies - Baker
574 West 6th Ave, Denver, CO 80204
Recommendation: Grade level change to 6-8, removal of 9-12 (does not require Board vote)
Essential Data
Utilization | Enrollment Total | Enrollment HS | SPF | Programs | Choice In/Out |
42% | 144 | 210 | Improvement | MI-S Center (9-12) | Choice only |
Why this school?
MS/HS enrollment in sub-region has declined and will continue to decline.
West MS/HS and DCIS Baker 6-12 are located approximately a half mile from each other. Between DCIS Baker and West MS there are 331 MS students. Between DCIS Baker and West HS, there are 725 HS students. It makes more sense to have one fully enrolled MS and one fully enrolled HS in this area.
What happens to students?
All 161 transitioning students residing in the boundary will have a seat at West HS.
All students have closing school choice priority at all DPS schools
DCIS MS becomes a part of the West MS Enrollment Zone
DCIS MS establishes TNLI program
MI-S Center (9-12) to West HS
West HS will add DCIS track programming
Current Map